Inking Your Dice

Brush Technique

How To Ink Your Dice

The video above shows the brush technique of inking your dice.

TECHNIQUE: load a small amount of paint into your brush. Lightly poke the brush into the numbers until a layer of paint has coated the entire surface of the number(DO NOT FILL THE NUMBER COMPLETLEY WITH PAINT. DOING SO WILL CAUSE LUMPS AND BUBBLES). Then simply wipe away the excess paint with a damp cloth. If you are having issues with smearing and small layers of paint remaining behind after you wipe, allow the paint to dry and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

PAINT: I recommend a good quality 'Acrylic Paint' from the painting isle of your local craft store.

BRUSH: Any cheap small brush is fine. I prefer flat brushes to get inside the numbers easier

CLEAN UP: Any damp(water) cloth, paper towel, napkin, Etc.

REDOING: The great thing about 'Acrylic Paint' is that it is water soluble. If you mess up or don't like the color you can 100% redo them. Pop your dice in water for a couple days and brush with and old toothbrush to remove the paint.

Basecoating White

The first layer of paint in most cases, should be pure white. A white basecoat makes the next color applied, brighter. In cases of transparent dice, having a white base coat keeps the dice bright and transparent. Allow basecoat to fully dry overnight or if you are excited to finish quickly, place your dice in a bowl and use a hair dryer on low to fully dry them before your next coat. I highly recommend 2 white basecoats for transparent dice, to prevent the second color from bleeding through and being visible inside the dice.

Basecoating Comparison

Both of these dice have a basecoat. One has white, the other black. Notice how the black basecoat significantly darkens the dice.

Final Coat Of Paint

After basecoating with white, you can add any color on top of transparent dice, without it changing the overall brightness of the dice. I painted a final coat of black(Left side dice) to show this effect.